Monday, September 15, 2008

My car has arrived!!!

My phone rang about 9:30 this morning and I almost let voicemail pick it up...good thing I didn't cuz it was Matson telling me my car had arrived and was ready for pick up!!! My very awesome boss gave me a ride to pick it up. My dumb ass was contemplating walking to go get it...5 miles in the industrial side of town...probably not a good idea...duh. It felt so weird driving my car in a new place...none of my preset stations worked, the air coming through the windows even smells different. Cruising along Ala Moana to some Hawaiian tunes was a very odd/awesome feeling :)

I've been thoroughly enjoying my walks to work in the's almost 3 miles but the weather is so beautiful...riding the bus seems like a waste. My favorite part of the walk is going by Ward Center...they have tons of plumeria trees lining it and the smell is almost orgasmic...takes you to another world, especially if you close yours eyes for a second...the smell of the plumeria and the surf from across the die for.

I get my keys to my new place tomorrow!!! So for 2 weeks, I will have 2 homes in Waikiki...that'll never happen

Here are some pics of my new digs...these are not my pics...from craigslist ad...I'll try and bring my camera tomorrow and take pics :)

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